Australia Federal Parliament TV Streams
Below is a list of .m3u8 streams I’ve been able to find, they can be opened in VLC player or any other media player that supports .m3u8 files. House of Representativeshttps://dps-live-hls.global.ssl.fastly.net/hls/277_HOR101_18000.m3u8 Federation Chamberhttps://dps-live-hls.global.ssl.fastly.net/hls/277_FED105_18000.m3u8 Committee Room proceedings 09https://dps-live-hls.global.ssl.fastly.net/hls/277_COM109_18000.m3u8 Committee Room proceedings 10https://dps-live-hls.global.ssl.fastly.net/hls/277_COM110_18000.m3u8 Committee Room proceedings 11https://dps-live-hls.global.ssl.fastly.net/hls/277_COM111_18000.m3u8 Committee Room proceedings 12https://dps-live-hls.global.ssl.fastly.net/hls/277_COM112_18000.m3u8 Committee Room proceedings 13https://dps-live-hls.global.ssl.fastly.net/hls/277_COM113_18000.m3u8 Committee Room…
Azure AD App Proxy with PAC file for back end proxy
Azure AD App Proxy is a really nice way to enable remote access to web apps within a network and will even support using a proxy for communication back to Azure to enable the report access and the use of a proxy for communication to the back end applications. this can be the same proxy…
Home Assistant – Webhook with powershell
Just a quick one today, I had a need to run a Webhook from PowerShell to Home Assistant and found a really small line of PowerShell will do the job
App-v Stand-alone host mass install
Another really quick post today, I have a need to install App-v packages on a stand-alone server in mass. To do this I made a super quick Powershell script to get all of the packages from a network share and install them all in one do for all users of the server. Hope this helps…
PowerShell – Make Sub directors in a list of folders
A real quick one today, I had a need come up to make a folder in the Home Drive of every user for them to place any .PST files they want to be imported for an Exchange migration. I was able to write a real quick Powershell script to do this as I know all…
Disable Activation Lock on iOS – MobileIron Core
Activation lock though really nice features of iOS for personal devices helping stop device getting stolen, on enterprise (Work owned) devices can be a real pain especially if a personal Apple account is used and the user has left the company leaving the device activation lock. For some time this could mean having a large…
Display more than 2000 items in active directory OU
Sometimes in an OU (organizational unit) you will have more then 2000 items in the Active Directory Users and Computers console and need to edit an Attribute, I’ve found the fastest way to display more items is to From the the Active Directory Users and Computers console Click View than Filter Options Change (Maximum number…
How to get more static IP addresses for $14 a year
After moving to a new ISP see my post 250Mbps NBN I had an issue with not having access to more than one public IPv4 address, In my home lab I run a couple of services that can only run on IPv4 and need to run port 443 🙁 The only way I found I…
250Mbps/100Mbps NBN in Canberra, launtel!
I have just moved my home internet connection over to Launtel the fastest residential NBN ISP I’ve seen so far at a reasonable price. Moving from Internode Before moving to Launtel I was with Internode and to the most part I had been very happy with them, I was happy with having full IPv6 and…
Keeping your save at the end of NieR:Automata Ending:E
NieR:Automata has to be one of my favorite games of late, with an amazing story and kick ass game play. But at the end of Ending:E the game will ask if you want to give up your save to help other players finish the game. I wanted to help but also really didn’t want to…